📓 June Progress Report
7 months ago
– Wed, Jun 05, 2024 at 12:52:46 PM
📦 Shipping & Fulfillment Update
I just packed the last backer box to be fulfilled from the United States, with the exception of backers who either haven't completed the pledge manager, or haven't answered emails containing pledge queries.
All European backers have been shipped by Spiral Galaxy, and all Canadian backers have been shipped by Pick and Pack.
There is one outstanding backer in Asia to be fulfilled by VFI. The delay there is 100% my fault rather than theirs, and this backer should be fulfilled very soon.
🙏 Continued Pledge Manager Beseeching
If you haven't filled out your pledge manager, there is obviously not anything I can say at this point to hurry the process. 😅 Reminder emails were just sent again, or you can point a web browser at lumberjackgames.backerkit.com and get after it there.
As a reminder of the campaign's terms, any pledges not claimed within six months of the beginning of rewards shipping will be converted into tips. You've got until November 19.
⚠️ Has Something Gone Wrong?
If something seems to have gone wrong with your games, your shipment, or something else, please reach out, either by Kickstarter DM or via email to [email protected]. We're very invested in making sure you've received everything you expect, and that you've had a good experience.
😍 Thank You!
Thank you to one and all for supporting this campaign! We're grateful that you believed in it, we're so happy you helped us create these three games, and we've been enjoying all of your feedback.
Whatever your level of enthusiasm about these titles, your ratings and commentary at BoardGameGeek are really helpful to a small publisher like us. Here are some convenient links to their pages there:
Thanks for backing, lumberjacks!
If you ever have questions or concerns, send a Kickstarter DM or email ([email protected]), or leave a comment here, and we'll give you a hand.
📓 May Progress Report
8 months ago
– Sun, May 05, 2024 at 07:39:14 AM
- US fulfillment to backers not receiving collector editions is complete
- Collector Edition production is running behind
- Shipping to non-US fulfillment hubs is in progress
📦 Shipping & Fulfillment Update
On Thursday night we packed the last box of rewards to US backers who did not order a collector edition. (Of this campaign's total, this group represents about 80–85% of all backers.) Many thanks five local Friends of Prolific who came over to help with the final push.
Inbound product shipments to Europe, Asia, and Canada are in various states of administrative and logistical progress depending on the region in question.
The collector editions are not done yet. The reason relates to the wooden nickels. As you may recall, when we received our first physical proofing sample from our factory in China back in January we decided that the wooden nickels were a little too wimpy, so we made them a bunch thicker. However, we forgot to communicate this change to the wood shop in Michigan that's manufacturing the collector editions. So when they received our factory sets to make sure that the Chinese pieces would fit correctly… well, they didn't. It wasn't much problem to widen the channel for the nickels, but it did take a bit of time, which is where we stand today: About two weeks behind the last update's estimate for collector edition delivery.
Here's a look at what the collector editions look like on the inside, with the exception that when shipped to backers, they'll contain the clear resin flapjack dice instead of the opaque white flapjack dice, and the wood finish of the wooden nickels will match the wood finish of the box.
We're still far ahead of the July delivery promise we made during the campaign, but even so, we're very sorry about this delay, and the downstream delay it's causing for non-collector backers outside the US. (The reasons for which were discussed last month.)
We're grateful for your patience and working hard to get all rewards to you as fast as we can.
Thanks for backing, lumberjacks!
If you ever have questions or concerns, send a Kickstarter DM or email ([email protected]), or leave a comment here, and we'll give you a hand.
📓 April Progress Report
9 months ago
– Mon, Apr 22, 2024 at 08:00:09 AM
- Fulfillment has begun in the US.
- Twenty-three backers still need to fill out the pledge manager.
📦 Shipping & Fulfillment Update
We received our main US shipment on Friday, and fulfilled orders until we ran out of appropriately sized boxes. More are arriving this morning, and we'll continue fulfilling today and through the week.
Our collector editions are not quite done yet, so backers at those levels are still perhaps two weeks out from the beginning of fulfillment.
Backers outside the US will begin to see fulfillment on that same timeline. It doesn't make sense to start our international partners on their shipping until all of the rewards are with them, so that means waiting until the collector editions are done.
🙏 Pledge Manager Beseeching
Twenty-three backers have not yet responded to the pledge manager. Today is the last day when you can expect us to honor the international shipping rates originally published there. That's because after today, we may have to ship your pledge from the US, which is dramatically more expensive than shipping it from your local hub.
To find the pledge manager, point your browser at lumberjackgames.backerkit.com.
Thanks for backing, lumberjacks!
If you ever have questions or concerns, send a Kickstarter DM or email ([email protected]), or leave a comment here, and we'll give you a hand.
📓 March Progress Report
10 months ago
– Thu, Mar 14, 2024 at 10:44:38 AM
- The main ocean freight shipment is on its way.
- If you have not completed the pledge manager, you're late.
🚢 Ocean Freight Update
We've arranged the ocean shipment of all the completed games from this campaign, which should now have been picked up from our factory. We are a few weeks behind our ideal shipping timeline, but since we built some contingency time into our schedule we still have plenty of time to get you your rewards well in advance of our delivery estimate.
Games heading to our distribution hubs in Asia and Europe have not yet been shipped. Because there are relatively few backers of this campaign in these areas, these games will travel to their hubs by air, so there remains plenty of time to arrange these shipments.
✅ Pledge Manager Entreaties
Thirty-two backers have not yet filled out the pledge manager. We've love it if you did that. Point your browser at lumberjackgames.backerkit.com. Next month, we will escalate to outright begging.
💬 Channel Solicitations
You may soon start to see our distribution and retail partners advertising the retail release of this campaign's games. Please rest assured that backers will always receive their rewards before we ship games to our distributors or sell them at conventions.
The nature of the distribution channel is simply that we need to give our partners information about our upcoming releases many months before they arrive, so we've started that process with these three games.
(That said, also be aware that a few dozen retail stores backed this campaign. As backers, their rewards will ship at the same time as all other backers' rewards. So it's conceivable that you might see one of these games at one of those stores a few days before you get yours, depending on the vagaries of parcel delivery.)
Thanks for backing, lumberjacks!
If you ever have questions or concerns, send a Kickstarter DM or email ([email protected]), or leave a comment here, and we'll give you a hand.
📓 February Progress Report
11 months ago
– Fri, Feb 09, 2024 at 11:52:56 AM
- It's all printed!
- It will all ship out once our factory re-opens after the Chinese New Year holiday.
- Have you completed the pledge manager?
- Today is the last day to back Jewels for the Emperor Penguin.
- We have a new Lure Help pin.
🪓 Everything: Printed
The entire print order of all editions of all three games is finished! We received an air shipment of a few copies of each one to use for promotions and pre-release reviews, and they look fantastic.
🏭 All Of It: Still at the Factory
As we came down to the date when our factory would close so its workers could return home to celebrate Chinese New Year, I got sick for four days with a nasty influenza that's been going around my family since the beginning of January. (I had gotten my flu vaccine and everything!)
This was the window when I'd have booked the shipment to get it out before the holiday, but it didn't wind up happening that way. So, all of the games are still at the factory, and will ship out first thing when the staff returns from the holiday and the Chinese ports reopen, sometime in the second half of February. (The factory is scheduled to re-open after the 14th, but most facilities will be operating on reduced staffing until the end of the month.)
✅ Pledge Manager: Now Is the Time
The pledge manager has been live for about a month, and about 88% of backers have completed it. (Well done!) If you're one of the 12% with that task still on your agenda, please have a look. We can't ship your rewards without your address or your shipping payment.
If your invitation email went missing, you can go in the front door at lumberjackgames.backerkit.com. Alternately, email us (address in the footer) for a unique link tied to your account.
🐧 Don't Miss Out on Jewels for the Emperor Penguin
Today is the final day of our Kickstarter for Jewels for the Emperor Penguin, plus Frozen Shines: The Emperor Penguin's Nephew and our plush mountain-climber penguin. If you like board games, penguins, or both, join us!
Backers are currently in the process of choosing a name for the campaign's plush. From 64 name submissions, we're currently down to the semifinal round of just four possibilities.
👙 Did You See the New Lure Help Pin?
Two weeks ago we released a new collectible pin featuring the art from the Flapjacks & Sasquatches card "Lure Help." Available on our website now! Snag a three-pin combo pack for 20% off.
Thanks for backing, lumberjacks!
If you ever have questions or concerns, send a Kickstarter DM or email ([email protected]), or leave a comment here, and we'll give you a hand.