
Lumberjack Games!

Created by The Bears & Humans at Prolific Games

Casual games about lumberjacks, including the Flapjacks & Sasquatches Dice Game, Lumberjacks with Rocket Launchers, and Squatch & Seek.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

✨ We've Unlocked a Sparkly Multi-Color Sasquatch
over 1 year ago – Tue, Sep 05, 2023 at 05:13:20 PM


  • Backers unlocked the Prismatic Sasquatch upgrade.
  • The third stretch goal survey is open for voting!
  • We're 59% of the way to unlocking Squatch & Seek for backers at the Deluxe Flapjacks tier and higher.

🥓 Upgrade Unlocked: Prismatic Sasquatch

The backers have spoken again! The campaign's next 15,000 Bacon Strips will upgrade the Sasquatch Die in the Flapjacks Dice Game to comprise three swirled accented with pearlescent sparkles.

This upgrade applies to all three editions: Standard, Deluxe, and Collector.

 🗳️ The Third Survey is Open

Although we've spent 30,000 Bacon Strips, there's more gas in the tank. We have 16,362 more to spend as of this writing, with more accumulating every day.

(Want to help  accumulate more Bacon? There's a checklist of things you can do at the bottom of the Bacon Log. Have you completed them all?)

Voting is now open for the third stretch goal upgrade:

☑️ Cast Your Vote in Stretch Goal Survey #3

Cast your vote on Wednesday or Thursday and we'll reveal the results on Friday, before the weekend gets underway.

Based on backer suggestions, we're investigating a cardstock upgrade to Lumberjacks with Rocket Launchers as a future stretch goal. We'll add it to the next survey if we get pricing information from our printer in time.

👀 Squatch & Seek Update

Squatch & Seek will be free to all backers at the Deluxe Flapjacks tier and higher if unlocked. We're doing pretty well at 59% of the way there. 

This stretch game unlocks on a different track than other stretch goals: We need 650 backers. You can help us reach this goal — and get a free game — by spreading the word about the campaign. Point your friends at


Thanks for backing, loggers!